Mission to Mars

For inspiration I used a text about a symposium in 2014 at the Harvard medical school entitled Genetic, Biomedicine and the Human Experience in Space that questioned the role genetic could play in the successful conquest of space by our species.
Could genetics alter us to withstand cosmic rays bombardment or long duration exposure to micro gravity and could we alter our muscles and skeleton, make our bodies handle greater extremes of heat and cold and develop respiratory systems that function in low oxygen environments?
Well, we don’t know that by now, but maybe we can get closer with the following items.
The exhibition is constructed as a walk through 3 modules:
The first is the starting point and is about evolution and biological adaptation.
After her room you can choose between two options: the mind improvement module and the body enhancement and transhumanism in art.
Both are leading to a big table, the open lab, where you can construct a new human, by using components of physical computing or writing a digital story or design a hacked human.
There are a lot of transhumanistic artists who fiction out, how an enhanced, pimped version of a transient body could be like. For example the worlds first officially recognized cyborg Neil Harbisson, who is completely color blind, who hears color with a camera equipped antenna that is permanently embedded in the back of his skull.
In sci-fi movies you can find a lot of possible imaginations of how enhanced bodies and constructed humans will be in the future.
For example blade runner, terminator, tetsuo the iron man, cyborg, Alita battle angel, the borg in star trek, and of course the end of all existence of body itself interstellar and ghost in the shell.
The leading question is: is this what you ve been seen, the future you want to live in?
If the future is to leave our planet to survive in space, it is possibly the only way.
Wouldn’t it be better to do all you can do, to leave our planet functionally for the bodies we have? Think about it.