ars electronica | create your world | workshop
Hacking Humans for Space Exploration
Tinkerbells on Tour aka. Elke Hackl and Ute Wetscher (AT)
“As teachers we want to show the students the back of the moon – they already know the front side.” (Elke Hackl)
Let’s imagine that we have to plan a future Mars expedition where anything is possible. What do we know about Mars and where does this knowledge come from? How would our human body have to change in order to travel to Mars and what consequences would that have for social life? The extreme conditions of space will provide us creative inspiration. Just think of the different gravitation and atmosphere or the fact that sound cannot move in space. How can we overcome these obstacles via physical hacks or cyborg components?
In Hacking Humans, Mars and the idea of traveling there a source of inspiration to think outside the box, ask questions and find solutions. First, we explore our knowledge about Mars and the human body. Then we work out how challenges can be solved and finally create visions of such an idea. With a discursive, tangible and experiential approach, Elke and Ute will guide us through this narrative. The creative-productive design of their own new wearable tech ideas is an inspiration to continue thinking after the workshop.
Format: Workshop
Duration: 2-3h
Participants: up to 24
Support: 1-2 workshop facilitators from Ars Electronica and 1 teacher from your school
Material: will be provided by Ars Electronica for free and brought to the workshop by the facilitators
create your world: spaceTOUR!
In partnership with spaceEU, the create your world festival comes directly into your classroom. Under the title create your world: space TOUR we can offer you two popular workshops for free. The contents are about future issues as well as competencies such as critical thinking and solution-oriented action. Space serves as a source of inspiration and communication.
create your world spaceTOUR x Hacking Humans for Space Exploration
create your world spaceTOUR x STEAM in Space (title tbc)
E-mail Laura for further information and questions laura.welzenbach@ars.electronica.art